Step-by-Step Guide on Migrating from On-Premises to Azure Services

How important is it to migrate the on-premises server to Azure? In today’s world digital transformation has a critical role to play and satisfy your business needs with rapid technology deliverables. 

According to a report, the projected value of Global Cloud Computing value by 2023 is $623.3 Billion. Microsoft Azure cloud computing is an integral platform to account for 10.9% of the total revenue of Microsoft in 2019.  

Azure cloud service & O365 benefits by helping organizations with hybrid infrastructure which indeed is essential to the growing industries. 

On-Premises to Azure migration is more than just delivering technical capabilities to an organization or business group. In fact, the Azure database migration process transforms the whole enterprise with standardized and consistent benefits including scalability and reduced time to market. Whether for small, large, or medium-sized businesses, Azure managed cloud services act as a new catalyst for enterprise transformations. 

This article covers the major technical aspects and benefits of the on-premises to Azure cloud migration step-by-step process including distinct services offered by Microsoft Azure and essential factors of Azure Cloud migration. 

Successful Business Drive with Microsoft Azure Migration Process

Well-known Microsoft Azure which is commonly indicated as just “Azure” is defined to be an integral cloud computing platform that distributes industry needs with advanced cloud solutions.  

Comprising over 200 global services including Saas, PaaS, and IaaS, Azure services are hosted across over 200 Microsoft-managed data centers around the world. 

As one of the world’s leading cloud providers, Azure cloud migration process comprise of modernized technologies, a secure global network, and seamless scalability to leverage frictionless solutions in enterprises or businesses.  

Azure data network centers provide enterprise-grade cloud infrastructure, with high availability, scalability, and technical capabilities required to host robust applications and move from on-premises to azure cloud migration. 

M365 business premium can be subscribed to as an add-on from Azure by the organizations or users for more advantages. 

Compute Services: General cloud computing services of Virtual Machines, and computing resources such as processors, memory, networking, disks, and supporting operating systems with a wide range of advanced application services including SQL server & SAP etc.

Storage Services: Storage space for users to store bundles of data in the form of files, blobs, queues, and tables with reliable access to data anywhere maintaining data security and protection.

Identity Services: Azure Active Directory is used to manage identities on the Cloud allowing to synchronize them with on-premises directories, initiating additional authentication and authorization capabilities with options like Single Sign-On

Mobile Services: With several in-built functionalities and hosting the backend for any mobile app, Azure mobile app technology includes application scalability, single sign-on with Azure Active Directory, and native integration with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Why should you choose On-Premises to Azure Cloud Migration?

On-premises Azure migration benefits various business groups including small and medium. They are cost-effective, agile, and secure, making organizations realize significant savings in the infrastructure and its upkeep maintenance-related expenditure.

Cloud infrastructure like Azure allows organizations to host their workloads within proximity of their users to deliver their services with optimized performance irrespective of regions.

High-Availability: Microsoft Azure, a global cloud computing platform promotes services with high availability, mitigating the risk of downtime, and fraudulent or failing hardware that often coincides with single data centers.

Disaster Recovery: On-premises to Azure cloud migration process comes with the extreme benefit of disaster recovery where Azure disaster recovery system is designed to help businesses keep operating during challenging times. As one of the leading Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaSit offers security more than on-premises data centers with cost-optimization and maintenance. 

Agility: On-premises to Azure migration involve tools that make the migration process rapid and flexible. It helps organizations achieve long-term value at a longer pace.

Compliance: Microsoft Azure cloud platform offers more than 90 compliance certifications and 35+ industry-specific certifications spanning from healthcare to finance, government, and many other industries sticking to compliance regulations.

Data Security: With security tools that are designed to analyze, help, and react to security threats, their products like Threat Intelligence, Advanced Threat Analytics, and Multi-Factor Authorization help in data security and protection around the clock. Security optimization assessment in Azure provides prescriptive practices to enhance security of workloads. 

Seamless Integration: For existing customers utilizing tools and products can be much more feasible to access. However, Azure is a less expensive route with quick and seamless integration into your existing system. Seamless integration is guaranteed with many unique perks which an organization can capitalize on.

The essential checklist for Migration from On-Premises to Azure cloud

This checklist for the Azure cloud migration process takes you to the initial steps to forge momentum in your transformation.

Steps to migrate On-Premises Servers to Azure for Small and Medium Enterprises

The Migration from On-premises to Azure starts right after choosing the Cloud managed providers that accept your business needs with flexible and scalable features. To undergo seamless transition of infrastructure and efficient adoption of cloud environment, Microsoft Azure recommends a multi-step migration process that includes Assessment, Migrate, Optimize, and Secure and Manage.

This result-driven approach Provides a clear path across cloud adoption with suitable migration applications that efficiently optimizes ensuring cloud security and high performance. Here goes the step-by-step process to migrate on-premises servers to Microsoft Azure cloud services.

  1. Preparation
  2. Replication
  3. Testing
  4. Optimize

Step-1: Preparation – Create a Migration Plan

Step-2: Replication

Step-3: Testing

Step-4: Optimization

Why Choose HexaCorp for On-premises to Azure Cloud Migration services?

How to Quickly Move the Workload to the Cloud with Azure Services


On-Premises to Azure Cloud Migrations are essential for businesses and organizations to enhance and modernize with several advantages that makes them stay competitive in the marketplace.

Microsoft Azure makes the process even more flexible and sophisticated with a wide range of tools allowing businesses to adapt to the cloud infrastructure. Choose the right fit for your business and you are unstoppable! 

For more information related to Azure cloud migration with HexaCorp, please feel free to contact us via email or visit our website to talk to our Azure experts. 

Happy Learning!! 

Move your On-Premises to Cloud with our Azure migration services

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