“Sharing & Caring” 2023

Christmas 2023 was all about “Sharing & Caring”. HexaCorp celebrated the joyous Christmas with 40 special children in Anbumalar Special School for the Intellectual Disabled & Residential Care. With extreme happiness, we contributed gifts, groceries, stationery, apparel, a television, and monetary support from HexaCorp employees. Just like last year, we rejoiced in the Christmas mood by being Santa.
Kanavagam Project

HexaCorp extended support to The Rural Women Empowerment & Development program that uprises underprivileged women to be aware of gender-based violence through conferences & workshops. We worked to promote leadership rights for women by also shaping their knowledge of gender equality.
Blood Donation Drive 2022

White Christmas 2022

HexaCorp’s White Christmas was so overwhelming! With immense pleasure & joy, we distributed gifts to Shelter Trust & HIV+ children with back-end support from employees. Our tech experts extended support with toys, stationery & many more to make those little hearts happy this New Year 2023.
IUWF(International Union Women Federation)

HexaCorp extended support to The Rural Women Empowerment & Development program that uprises underprivileged women to be aware of gender-based violence through conferences & workshops. We worked to promote leadership rights for women by also shaping their knowledge of gender equality.