DevOps and FinOps: Friends or FOES?
Exploring the synergy and challenges between DevOps and FinOps in balancing innovation, efficiency, and cost optimization.


Unleashing the power of hybrid. A Deep Dive into Cloud and On-Premises Synergy
Combining the best of on-premises and cloud platforms, enabling seamless data integration, scalability, and flexibility with Hybrid Cloud. Business optimization becomes extra feasible in terms of managing workloads, ensuring robust security, and driving data excellence for smarter operations.


Intelligent Chat Bots to Improve User Engagement
HexaCorp leveraged its expertise in Microsoft bot framework to build a powerful AI driven chatbot solution called Ask


A Comprehensive Guide on Building Scalable and Agile Microservices Architecture
Did you ever know what stops a business from growing? Yes, monolithic architecture! These often come with limitations


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