Explore our latest Best-in-Class Notes & Domino Feature

Incredible features of our HCL Domino/Notes platform provide continuous monitoring, automated server maintenance & support consuming less time & costs

Notes Domino Administration

Simplify access control and permissions by creating & managing user accounts/groups, backup strategies, and accessing the Domino environment with increased performance & connectivity.

Notes Domino Configuration

Get to configure SMPT, SSL/TLS, mail routing, message tracking tools, and directory integration, implementing a secure communication between clients and servers.

Notes Domino Version Upgrade

Keep the Domino server software up to date with the latest patches and updates by planning and executing upgrades to newer versions of the Domino server.

Remote Access Help

Work with Domino Designer to create and modify applications by designing and implementing workflows for various business processes.

Operation, Monitoring, and Support

Our application development, server monitoring, application monitoring, 24/7*365 days support, and mail routing, extends towards optimized business performance.

Notes Application

Success Stories

30% Increased Productivity with Email Server Optimization, Seamless Integration & Installation of Notes & Domino
2X Faster Closure of Support Tickets with Automated Processes & Improved Support with Notes & Domino
Lotus to SharePoint Online Migration Addressing 50% of Migration Issues

HCL Domino and Notes key features

Built for business-focused, collaborative applications
Mobility and web accessibility
Email, calendar, & contact management
Integration with existing HCL and third-party applications
Outstanding security standards
Advanced administration and monitoring

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