
Azure, AWS



Team Size

50 - 200


3 months

Look up to decrease costs and save more with our cost optimized O365 managed services

One of our customers acquired AWS, Office 365 license & support, Qnap Storage, and server support to safeguard their most crucial data. Being partnered with HexaCorp for three years, they have been very satisfied with the services we provided. Before choosing us, they had issues with storage systems which stood as a drawback for their business operations. HexaCorp scaled up the storage system during an emergency by fixing the problems innovatively.


In cleaning up AWS cloud storage system


In saving huge costs for the unused data


Data protection by encrypting the data end-to-end

The Challenge

Cleaning unwanted data from the storage system.

The critical problem was their AWS S3 cloud storage which had junk files of 22TB. They had to bear unnecessary costs for the data they have not used lately. The storage size was just 11 TB leaving the rest 22 TB for trash. Incomplete multipart upload files occupied large data which resulted in paying huge costs for nothing.

The Solution

Intelligent take by HexaCorp Experts

Our highly proficient expertise handled the issue in a smarter way by initially find the cause for stagnated data. Surprisingly, after finding 22 TB of unwanted files in the overall 33 TB AWS S3 storage system, our experts deleted all the junk which was encrypted but unknown with AWS S3 Lifecycle Policy. Eventually, they cleaned up incomplete multipart upload files with no significant data loss.

The Result

Truthful customer experience with tremendous cost-savings

We enabled sufficient storage service with no more question to data Protection. Our customer saved $563.20 in billing costs. As we cleared all the junk files, they need not pay for the data that is unutilized. With 24/7 support, we created an impact for their concerns at any time.


Do you want to save your critical data from huge expenses?Contact us

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