
SharePoint Online, Power Platform (Power Automate, Power Apps), AI Model



Team Size

250 +


2 months

Manual processes are boring! Need a digital transformation now? We have the right solutions for you!

Our client was using manual paperwork for invoice processing, and it eventually, led to errors and hassle work. They wanted to transform manual invoice processing into digitalizing. They approached us to digitalize the mundane paperwork with seamless transformation.


Eliminated manual invoice processing


Successful automated processing


Streamlined Processes

The Challenge

No streamlined process, time-consuming & manual invoice processing

The client had no streamlined process to follow, and as the workflow was manual, it consumed a lot of time and created a hectic work environment. The invoice processing was decided to be digitalized with streamlined, feasible & reliable digital transformation services, that make their workflow much easy.

The Solution

Implemented AI builder in Power Platform

For the client, we have analyzed the situation and implemented a solution using AI builder in Power Platform. The AI Model was trained with various invoice templates and extracted the required information. This Power automation service by us with Power Platform made the process innovative & helpful.

The Result

Streamlined & automated processes

The company was free from confused & time-consuming manual paperwork. Digital transformation for invoice processing was provided with our Power Platform services. The automated process created a streamlined workflow.
Streamline Processes with our Power Platform Services for your Hectic-free Business Contact us

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