
SharePoint Online, Power Automate( Flow), Nintex



Team Size

300 +


4 months

For your Better Business & Better Growth, choose our Seamless Migration to Power Automation

One of our customers acquired AWS, Office 365 license & support, Qnap Storage, and server support to safeguard their most crucial data. Being partnered with HexaCorp for three years, they have been very satisfied with the services we provided. Before choosing us, they had issues with storage systems which stood as a drawback for their business operations. HexaCorp scaled up the storage system during an emergency by fixing the problems innovatively.


Cost-effective Plans


Seamless Migration to Power Platform


Driving Business Growth

The Challenge

Cost-Optimized Resources & Feasible Migration

Our client’s dominant challenge was, migrating all the Nintex workflows to the Microsoft Power Platform sticking to the company’s budget with many cost-optimized resources. They required a seamless migration process that does not disturb their data.

The Solution

In-depth analysis, Ease of Power Platform Migration & Redundancy

Our Experts conducted an in-depth analysis of all existing Nintex workflows and prioritized the migration to Power Platform using Power Automate based on aspects such as business critical, ease of migration, and redundancy.​

The Result

Consolidated & Streamlined Platform with Microsoft 365 integration.

With the help of Power Automation, the migration process was cost-efficient and consolidated. The Nintex workflows were safely migrated to Power Platform for a streamlined process, and Microsoft 365 integration stimulated business growth.

Stimulate Business Growth using our Power Platform Services Contact us

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